This is not meant to be a technical post, we just want to do a little information on how the process works and especially how to deal with offers to help us, to obtain Dominican residency.
We will not go into the technicalities about the different types of residency or permits to stay in the country, this post is meant more as a warning, a small collection of information that normally no one tells you, and that many people would not want you to know!
1) The paperwork of residence.
"The paperwork is started in your country of origin" or in the country where you reside, be careful of anyone who promises you to do everything in the Dominican Republic,
because he is someone who has connections, ... or because in the Dominican there is always a parallel way, he is deceiving you, at the moment everything starts from the Dominican Consulate in your country (or in the country where you reside) that is where you have to apply to get the visa for residency, THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS!
The residence carnet and future renewals must always be DELIVERED BY THE HOLDER TO THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF IMMIGRATION (DMG) in Santo Domingo, so be very very careful whoever promises you home delivery of the residence, it is not possible! (Except for specific, exceptional and documented cases with proxies).
Almost all of the documents you have to produce at home, most of the "paperwork", is done to obtain a visa in a Dominican Consulate, so arm yourself with patience and consider the fees that "lawyers" in the Dominican Republic normally charge to assist you in this process.
Apart from the fixed office costs and the living costs of various stamps, translations, apostilles, the cost of doing a residency file from the Dominican Republic can vary greatly, from ZERO (yes you read "0" correctly) to several thousand US dollars or if you prefer Euros, so be very very careful!
For ZERO COST residency paperwork, (except for taxes and cost of documentation to be submitted) you will need to be able to handle many things on your own (especially speaking good Spanish), but if you qualify for the process, the result is serious and guaranteed.
Beware of speculative "lawyers" who, on your good faith, may ask you even 3,000 / 4,000 euros/dollars per person, for what then it is not known, since anyway 90% of the work you will do in your country, independently....
An honest figure that a professional could ask you could be around 800 / to 1,500US$, it depends if in the price are included the various amounts to be paid at the immigration, unfortunately you will not find many at these prices, but believe me they exist !
Last tip not only for residency, LEARN SPANISH, you will not depend on anyone, you will understand what they tell you and you will be safe from those who want you to understand something else....
Remember in general the Dominican Public Administration is very helpful, treat the employees with kindness, they will always be on your side.
If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Se Crea Srl
+1 829 915 0035 - +1 849 850 1717